Funding the 2040 vision to plant a campus-reaching church in every European nation by 2040

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MPD stands for the Ministry of Partnership Development. EMPD is the programme for building a partnership team to fund missionary gospel advance in Europe.

The Call

We plant churches because God’s people steward God’s gospel, and it is through the good news of who Jesus is and what he did that God saves people and brings them into his presence, his people, and his purpose.

Paul asked these questions in Romans 10:14-15: How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? 

Being Sent

We are sent with the good news of Jesus to reach those who don’t yet know God. To be sent is to be commissioned by God through the local church to be a faithful steward of the gospel of Jesus so that people from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation can experience God’s salvation.

This vision will be fulfilled by growing and sending teams of church planters, campus missionaries, and evangelists who go, engage, reach, establish, and plant. But to be sent means that someone is well-provisioned for the task God has given him or her. And that brings us to a need: how will we fund the 2040 vision?

The Need

The funds to cover the personal salaries and ministry expenses of our labourers must come from outside our current churches; our leaders will be funded as they each build partnership teams who financially support the ministry to which God has called them. As part of the solution for funding missionaries for the 2024 vision, we present the EMPD programme.