For Pastors

What is an EMPD Missionary?

An EMPD missionary is a local church team member whose vocational ministry is focused on outreach and is funded by an extra-local partnership team. Outreach-oriented ministries include church planting, evangelism, and campus ministry. While EMPD missionaries can be church plant team members, EMPD cannot be used to fund primarily administrative jobs. While EMPD can fund part-time positions, all EMPD missionaries commit to doing MPD full-time until their partnership teams are built.

What is an EMPD missionary’s relationship with the local church?

All EMPD missionaries work with and for their local churches under the oversight of a Ministry Assignment Leader (MAL). All EMPD missionaries must be affirmed in their calling by the Lead Pastor of their sending church. Lead pastors must agree that 10% of an EMPD missionary’s time is spent on MPD, along with annual MPD maintenance time. We require all churches with EMPD missionaries to comply with policies designed to protect the financial and personal health of missionaries and the reputation of Every Nation Europe. In addition to EMPD policies, local churches with EMPD missionaries must comply with local and national tax laws and HR best practices.

What can I do now?

Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into the harvest in your city and on your campus! Preach the vision, can boldly invite people to consider vocational ministry. Prayerfully identify potential EMPD missionaries, invite them to consider the possibility by having a conversation with you. Consider people who have already been through the school of ministry, and those whose ministry fruit confirms a calling. Set up a three-way zoom call with Ashley Alexander, our director of training and coaching, and let the potential missionary learn how this is a viable next step. For some, it might be the first step into life-long vocational ministry. For others, it might be a two-year term of service. Our conviction is that the gospel of Jesus is worthy of our best efforts to recruit our best people to give their best years to gospel ministry.